Monday, 28 January 2008

Week Two

Dreary Day
This photo depicts a dreary day in Scottland. One cannot tell by the picture, but this was taken in the late morning. The pale sky is an interesting back-drop for such old gothic buildings. Also, as I look closer at the picture, past the hustle and bustle of the roadway, I saw the peaceful rolling mountains in the distant background which gives a different feeling to the photo.

Cascading Light
York Minster is a beautiful cathedral with an even more amazing history. I was inspired to take this picture when we were on our tour and I peered up at the ceiling. I noticed the way the sunlight from outside shone through the medival windows and illuminated the golden trimming of the ceiling. It creates a very calm and comfortable atmosphere.

These statues depict different kings that reigned durring the time that it took for York Minster to be erected. I was inspired by the stark difference between the cold cement of the figures and the rich gold and red coloring that surrounded them.
I liked the contrast of wheeled vehicles that is apparent in this photo. They are two completely different machinces that serve the same purpose. I also found it shocking how close the bicycler was to the car.
This group of berries looked very lonesome amongst the lifeless color of the concrete that the plant has attached itself to. It seems that the plant is barely holding on to the last bit of life that it can, but yet it still thrives.
On my way to the bus, I walked past a fountain with flowing water and colorful lighting. It reminded me of how I was taught that stagnant water does not provide life. This moving water has the ability of providing life and the color excentuates that fact.
Abstract Rose
Originally, this picture was of a green light that I found within a fountain. However, while taking the picture I decided to try something new and shake the camera while the picture was being taken. The results are what you see above. Then through editing I was able to retrieve the abstract outline of the light. During the editing process I noticed that the shape simulated that of a rose and changed the green coloring to a pink coloring.
In York we went for a walk as near to the flooded river as we could get. While we were on our way down to the river there was a bundle of pigeons feeding off of the grass. I suddenly had an urge to run through the grouping of feathered friends, and while doing so, was able to take a picture of some of them during take-off.

While touring York Minster, I came across a still life of William the Conquerer. Viewing his statue I noticed his vicious facial expression and the way in which he held sword. I also felt as if he looked down upon me like he would have to the commoners of his time which inspired me to take a picture from a low camera angle.
Clean and Tidy
The part that I liked about this picture was the depth of field. Although the plates aren't entirely lined up exactly the same, I thought that it added a corky sense of being clean and orderly. The contrast of black and white is also pleasing to the eye in this photo and I like how those are the only colors that are captured.